The main positive wire that completes this circuit was not connected - so now it works. The high beam light was also not connected - so now it is! So once I fire up the engine again hopefully all the lights will work! Tail light now works also - night test rides are now go!Will have to wait till after work to do that!
Monday, December 29, 2014
Some electrical gremlins SORTED
Pulled the headlight housing off so I could have a good gander at the wiring, as the instrument lights in the gauge cluster are not working.
The main positive wire that completes this circuit was not connected - so now it works. The high beam light was also not connected - so now it is! So once I fire up the engine again hopefully all the lights will work! Tail light now works also - night test rides are now go!Will have to wait till after work to do that!
The main positive wire that completes this circuit was not connected - so now it works. The high beam light was also not connected - so now it is! So once I fire up the engine again hopefully all the lights will work! Tail light now works also - night test rides are now go!Will have to wait till after work to do that!
Sunday, December 7, 2014
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
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